SkillPower Lands Contract With the US Air Force
San Diego, Calif. - March 15, 2020 - SkillPower, innovative provider of willpower-boosting digital health apps, today announced it has signed the US Air Force and Department of Defense (DoD) as a client for collaboration on a diabetes focused behavior change app. SkillPower will work with the USAF and DoD to provide the latest behavior change research from major universities that measurably boosts user’s willpower to improve their health as part of an overall diabetes program.

Capital Factory Selects SkillPower for DoD Accelerator
San Diego, Calif. - August 1, 2020 - SkillPower, innovative provider of digital health apps, today announced it has joined the Capital Factory Accelerator in Austin, Texas. The goal is to accelerate SkillPower’s growth and innovative work with the Department of Defense

Nex Cubed Selects Seven Transformative Frontier Tech Companies for Fall 2019 Digital Health Accelerator
Nex Cubed Selects Seven Transformative Frontier Tech Companies for Fall 2019 Digital Health Accelerator